Books & Posters

Books & Posters
Results 1 - 10 of 12 Show:     Items Per Page
  • Taxe der Streichinstrumente, 17 Auflage, (Estimate of the string instruments, 17th edition), #714355
    Item Code: Y0154
    $ 218.50
    Item Code: Y0154
    $ 218.50
    The Health of the Violin, Viola and Cello - Publisher Lucien Greilsamer, #713368
    Item Code: Y0151
    $ 29.50
    Item Code: Y0151
    $ 29.50
    Poster, Violin - Antonio Stradivari, Messiah, 1716, #732006
    Item Code: Y0170
    $ 87.78
    Item Code: Y0170
    $ 87.78
    Violin Varnishes, Hammerl, #713489
    Item Code: Y0158
    $ 68.29
    Item Code: Y0158
    $ 68.29
    Viola Making: Step by Step, Strobel, #713363
    Item Code: Y0159
    $ 67.33
    Item Code: Y0159
    $ 67.33
    Cello Making: Step by Step, Strobel, #713364
    Item Code: Y0157
    $ 70.63
    Item Code: Y0157
    $ 70.63
    Useful Measurements for Violin Makers, Strobel, #713366
    Item Code: Y0152
    $ 43.49
    Item Code: Y0152
    $ 43.49
    Art and Method of the Violin Maker, Strobel, #713365
    Item Code: Y0156
    $ 46.02
    Item Code: Y0156
    $ 46.02
    The Art of Violin Making, Johnson & Courtnall, #713445
    Item Code: Y0155
    $ 211.88
    Item Code: Y0155
    $ 211.88
    Masterpieces of Italian Violinmaking, Huber, #713804
    Item Code: Y0153
    $ 135.21
    Item Code: Y0153
    $ 135.21

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